If like most people you are time poor, the thought of reading 10 books in a year is a stretch, let alone 100 books. If like me, you consider yourself a bad reader, then this goal would seem impossible. The great news is that like me, anyone can achieve this with relative ease.
Before I tell you how, let me give you a brief background of my own reading abilities, so you don’t think “that’s fine for him, but I can’t read that many books”. In grade four at school, my teacher told me and my mother that I would never be any good at reading. At the time I wasn’t any good, but most nine-year-olds aren’t exceptional readers. The problem wasn’t so much that this wasn’t the truth, but rather the lasting effects it had on me well into adult life.
Having been told I would never be a great reader became a “limiting belief” and subsequently, I lived up to this expectation by not bothering to try to improve from that moment on. I didn’t read one single book until I was in my mid-twenties. The only books I attempted to read at that point were self-help books. Because I was interested in the subject matter, I was able to overcome my perceived reading deficiencies, however, it wasn’t until I discover what I am about to share with you that my reading list exploded off the chart.
It was while attending Tony Robbins’ “Date with Destiny” seminar in 2016 when Tony explained something called “N.E.T” which he used to absorb copious amounts of material. Tony is busier than almost anyone on earth, so if it could work for him then I knew I had a chance too. It was later that year when I met Dr. John Demartini (One of the contributors to “The Secret”) when I discovered that he had in fact read over 30,000 books, so I knew I could at least up my game so far as the number of books I absorbed.

The N.E.T that Tony talked about stood for No. Extra. Time.
Put simply, this is using the time you have throughout the day that you might normally fill with mundane or mind-numbing things and replacing them with this task. In order to achieve this, you need to be able to read while doing other things. As most men, I suck at multi-tasking so don’t worry, I will explain.

We’ve all heard of audiobooks and with the launch of “Audible”, the goal of reading at least 50 books a year is quite easy for anyone. For those who are struggling financially, then there is an even better, FREE option too.

“Overdrive” is an app created by the library which allows you to borrow and download (for up to 21 days), over 80,000 audiobooks and eBooks. All you have to do is go to your local library and get a library card, then download the app and you’re off. “But I still don’t have time”, I hear you say. Yes, you do. Here’s how.
Here’s how you can finish 50 – 100 books in a year.
If you drive 30 minutes to and from work five days a week, that is five hours per week listening in your car. If you walk your dogs for 30 minutes a day, there’s another 3.5 hours. You probably spend 30 minutes preparing dinner each night, one hour watching the dreadfully misleading news every night, and no doubt you spend at least an hour on social media every day. Add to this an hour lunch break each day and you have a total of 26 hours every week that you could be listening to a self-help book, a book on finance, spiritual development, or whatever you want to learn about or excel in.
Over the course of a year, that is 1,352 hours of reading. The length of the average audiobook is between 8 – 12 hours, so that is roughly 110 – 170 books you could potentially read in a year.
In less than five years, I have finished over 1,000 books and as a result, my life has improved exponentially. I personally have become obsessed with reading and literally, have my phone playing a book throughout my day. I understand that not everyone can or wants to do this, but if you try these simple tips you will be blown away with the result.
If you want to find out more about the N.E.T method, or the things I learnt from reading 280 books in one year, then my book “The no B.S approach to Create The Life You want” is available on my website.