What is it really like, to live and work on a cruise ship?
Short Answer = A LOT OF FRICKIN’ FUN!
Long answer = You need to read this book – seriously!
From the moment I set foot on board my first ship in 2001, I knew that it was going to be a way of life, that I had never experienced before, and something that only those who have lived it, could understand.
Somewhere among the 10 years, 12 ships, 400 destinations, 1 million miles at sea and almost 100,000 words contained in this book, lies the answer to the above question. Somewhere inside The Love Boat, American Pie, the TV show – Big Brother and Pirates of the Caribbean, is as close as I can get, to explaining this incredible lifestyle; without you reading the entire book.
C.R.U.I.S.E is a mix of the most hilarious stories and crazy adventures, that you may ever read. You will laugh, be shocked, be mildly disgusted (or very disgusted), but completely entertained, as my incredible “ship friends” and I, take you deep below passenger decks, as we get wet and fall in love with “C.R.U.I.S.E“.
If you have ever wondered what it would be like to work on a cruise ship; then this book is as good as your boarding pass. It is anything but “The Love Boat” and will shock you as much as entertain you; after all – its written by an entertainer.
Naughty, cheeky, filthy, but constantly enthralling. C.R.U.I.S.E (Can’t Rest Until I’ve Sailed Everywhere), is sure to wet your appetite (along with your nickers) as you dive deep below passenger decks and find out what the crew on board cruise ships, really get up to; from someone who has lived it himself.
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