Everyone who has ever walked the face of the earth has at one point felt unworthy, unloved, uninspired, lost, hurt, overwhelmed, angry, scared or frustrated.
What if you no longer had to feel this way?
What if you could create the life you wanted?
What if the words and actions of others had no influence over how you felt?
Wouldn’t suicide rates decrease and domestic violence be less of a scourge on society?
Nothing in your life is your fault, but everything is your responsibility.
Would you hand the controls of a plane over to someone less qualified than you? Then why let other people control how you feel?
Through reading over 900 books on personal development and working with experts like Tony Robbins & Dr John Demartini, Jayden Moorea (Dan Shearin) discovered a simple yet effective way to overcome almost any challenge that life threw at him.
From seeing himself as a victim of suicide, a co-creator of volatile relationships and being publicly defamed, then wrongly charged with murder, Jayden Moorea has since found peace and happiness in all areas of his life. He now wants to share his learnings with those who may have lost their way, or feel unsatisfied with their life.
If you have ever contemplated suicide, been in a violent relationship, felt unworthy, been bullied, harassed or discriminated against; then this book is for you.